Number of Synergy HomeCare in the United States

According to reports, there are 237 Synergy HomeCare Stores in 40 states and territories of the United States. The highest number of Synergy HomeCare Stores locations of US are in Texas and Houston with 27 stores and 5 stores, respectively. Texas makes up approximately 11% of all Synergy HomeCare Stores in the United States.

Data updated on September 19, 2024

How Many Synergy HomeCare are Present in the USA?

The total number of Synergy HomeCare location in the US are 237 and its graphical representation is shown in map.

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Synergy HomeCare Locations in the USA

Top 10 States & Territories with the Highest Number of Synergy HomeCare

27 (11%)
In Texas, there is one for every 1,073,926 people, accounting for approximately 11% of all Synergy HomeCare locations.
22 (9%)
In Florida, there is one for every 976,273 people, accounting for approximately 9% of all Synergy HomeCare locations.
22 (9%)

In California, there is one for every 1,796,000 people, accounting for approximately 9% of all Synergy HomeCare locations.

State / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
Texas 27 (11%) 29.00M 1.07M
Florida 22 (9%) 21.48M 976.27K
California 22 (9%) 39.51M 1.80M
Arizona 15 (6%) 7.28M 485.27K
Illinois 13 (5%) 12.67M 974.77K
New Jersey 11 (5%) 8.88M 807.46K
Georgia (4%) 10.62M 1.18M
Wisconsin (4%) 5.82M 646.89K
Virginia (4%) 8.54M 948.44K
Minnesota (3%) 5.64M 805.71K
*Synergy HomeCare operates in 40 States and Territories across the United States.

Which States and Territories Don't Have Synergy HomeCare?

These are states and territories list without any Synergy HomeCare location:
  • New Hampshire
  • Puerto Rico
  • Hawaii
  • Alaska
  • Kentucky
  • Nevada
  • Louisiana
  • West Virginia
  • District of Columbia
  • American Samoa
  • Guam
  • Maine
  • New Mexico
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • North Dakota
*There are 16 states and territories in the USA where Synergy HomeCare are not present.

Top Cities with the Most Synergy HomeCare Outlets in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Houston Texas 5
Seattle Washington 2
Austin Texas 2
Yuma Arizona 2
Tampa Florida 2
Appleton Wisconsin 1
Decatur Georgia 1
Idaho Falls Idaho 1
Bloomington Illinois 1
Vancouver Washington 1

Synergy HomeCare 's Competitors Analysis: 5 Major Competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Synergy HomeCare   vs   Visiting Angels 614 (+377 locations than Synergy HomeCare) 49 (+9 states than Synergy HomeCare) 558 (+331 cities than Synergy HomeCare)
Synergy HomeCare   vs   Comfort Keepers 438 (+201 locations than Synergy HomeCare) 45 (+5 states than Synergy HomeCare) 409 (+182 cities than Synergy HomeCare)
Synergy HomeCare   vs   Senior Helpers 288 (+51 locations than Synergy HomeCare) 42 (+2 states than Synergy HomeCare) 275 (+48 cities than Synergy HomeCare)
Synergy HomeCare   vs   BrightStar Care 282 (+45 locations than Synergy HomeCare) 39 ( -1 states than Synergy HomeCare) 266 (+39 cities than Synergy HomeCare)
Synergy HomeCare   vs   Home Helpers 232 ( -5 locations than Synergy HomeCare) 39 ( -1 states than Synergy HomeCare) 220 ( -7 cities than Synergy HomeCare)
You can download the complete list of Synergy HomeCare locations used in this analysis from our data store. Here’s a sample of 10 records for you to review the fields and data that we provide.

Comparative Analysis Between Synergy HomeCare Vs Others

If you’re interested in receiving a comprehensive report of a comparison of Synergy HomeCare with other companies, please get in touch with us.

Download the Complete Database of Synergy HomeCare Locations Across the USA

You can download the complete list of Synergy HomeCare locations used in this analysis from our data store. Here’s a sample of 10 records for you to review the fields and data that we provide.
Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Synergy Homecare Of Tyler 645 S Broadway Ave Suite 3 Tyler TX 75701 903-752-8899 32.34259206 -95.30128623 645 S Broadway Ave Suite 3, Tyler, TX, 75701 USA 2024-05-10
Synergy Homecare Of North Irving 2300 Valley View Ln Ste 214 Irving TX 75062 214-764-6383 32.84008801 -97.02077526 2300 Valley View Ln Ste 214, Irving, TX, 75062 USA 2024-05-10
Synergy Homecare Of Dayton 201 N Winfree 2 Dayton TX 77535 832-581-4343 30.04772174 -94.88662983 201 N Winfree 2, Dayton, TX, 77535 USA 2024-05-10
Synergy Homecare Of Texas City 2501 Palmer Hwy Ste 205-B Texas City TX 77590 346-299-5597 29.39461689 -94.931169 2501 Palmer Hwy Ste 205-B, Texas City, TX, 77590 USA 2024-05-10
Synergy Homecare Of Tri-Cities 30 S Louisiana St Ste 211 Kennewick WA 99336 509-572-3972 46.20818142 -119.2360082 30 S Louisiana St Ste 211, Kennewick, WA, 99336 USA 2024-05-10
Synergy Homecare Of Daphne 1048 Stanton Road Suite D Daphne AL 36526 251-621-1900 30.5960221 -87.894601 1048 Stanton Road Suite D, Daphne, AL, 36526 USA 2024-05-10
Synergy Homecare Of Montgomery 540 Clay Street Montgomery AL 36104 334-203-1850 32.3768473 -86.3183827 540 Clay Street, Montgomery, AL, 36104 USA 2024-05-10
Synergy Homecare Of Opelika 3320 Skyway Drive Suite 801 Opelika AL 36801 334-203-1850 32.6148945 -85.4271193 3320 Skyway Drive Suite 801, Opelika, AL, 36801 USA 2024-05-10
Synergy Homecare Of Little Rock 300 South Rodney Parham Suite 7 Little Rock AR 72205 501-313-2811 34.7507912 -92.3643188 300 South Rodney Parham Suite 7, Little Rock, AR, 72205 USA 2024-05-10
Synergy Homecare Of Chattanooga 6441 Bonny Oaks Dr Ste D Chattanooga TN 37416 423-287-5925 35.0863004 -85.1790404 6441 Bonny Oaks Dr Ste D, Chattanooga, TN, 37416 USA 2024-05-10

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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