Number of Therm-a-Rest Dealerships in the United States

According to reports, there are 1,618 Therm-a-Rest Dealerships in 51 states and territories of the United States. The highest number of Therm-a-Rest Dealerships locations in the US are in California and Seattle with 166 stores and 17 stores, respectively. California makes up approximately 10% of all Therm-a-Rest Dealerships in the United States.

Data updated on August 29, 2024

How Many Therm-a-Rest Stores are Present in the USA?

There are 1,618 Therm-a-Rest dealerships in the United States as of April 19, 2023. The state and territory with the most number of Therm-a-Rest locations in the US is California, with 166 dealerships, which is about 10% of all Therm-a-Rest dealerships in the US.

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Therm-a-Rest Dealership Locations in the USA

Top 10 States & Territories with the Highest Number of Therm-a-Rest Stores

166 (10%)
In California, there is one store for every 238,024 people, accounting for approximately 10% of all Therm-a-Rest dealerships locations.
93 (6%)
In Colorado, there is one store for every 61,925 people, accounting for approximately 6% of all Therm-a-Rest dealerships locations.
76 (5%)
In Washington , there is one store for every 100,197 people, accounting for approximately 5% of all Therm-a-Rest dealerships locations.
State / Territory Number of dealerships Population Population per dealership
California 166 (10%) 39.51M 238.02K
Colorado 93 (6%) 5.76M 61.92K
Washington 76 (5%) 7.62M 100.20K
New York 72 (4%) 19.45M 270.19K
Texas 61 (4%) 29.00M 475.34K
North Carolina 60 (4%) 10.49M 174.80K
Pennsylvania 60 (4%) 12.80M 213.37K
Michigan 51 (3%) 9.99M 195.82K
Virginia 48 (3%) 8.54M 177.83K
Florida 48 (3%) 21.48M 447.46K
*Therm-a-Rest’s operates in 51 States and Territories across the United States.

Which States and Territories Don't Have Therm-a-Rest Stores?

These are states and territories list without any Therm-a-Rest’s location:

  • Guam
  • Puerto Rico
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Hawaii
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • American Samoa

*There are 6 states and territories in the USA where Therm-a-Rest’s stores are not present.

Top Cities with the Most Therm-a-Rest's Outlets in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Seattle Washington 17
Portland Oregon 11
Birmingham Alabama 9
Houston Texas 9
San Antonio Texas 8
Austin Texas 7
Park City Utah 7
Minneapolis Minnesota 7
Denver Colorado 7
Anchorage Alaska 6

Therm-a-Rest's Competitors Analysis: 5 Major Competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Therm-a-Rest McDonalds_USA   vs   Subway_USA Columbia Sportswear 8,487 (+6,869 locations than Therm-a-Rest) 49 (-1 Same as Therm-a-Rest) 2,761 (+1,818 cities than Therm-a-Rest)
Therm-a-Rest McDonalds_USA   vs   Marys_Gone_Crackers_USA Ariat 7,040 (+5,422 locations than Therm-a-Rest) 50 ( 50 states than Therm-a-Rest) 3,081 ( +2,138 cities than Therm-a-Rest)
Therm-a-Rest McDonalds_USA   vs   starbucks Lee 5,953 (+4,335 locations than Therm-a-Rest) 51 ( +1 states than Therm-a-Rest) 2,734 ( 1,791 cities than Therm-a-Rest)
Therm-a-Rest McDonalds_USA   vs   Hunt_Brothers_Pizza_USA Lily Frilly 4,394 ( +2,776 locations than Therm-a-Rest) 52 ( +2 states than Therm-a-Rest) 2,593 ( +1,650 cities than Therm-a-Rest)
Therm-a-Rest McDonalds_USA   vs   DUNKINS Crocs 3,698 ( +2,080 locations than Therm-a-Rest) 53 ( +3 states than Therm-a-Rest) 1,612 ( +669 cities than Therm-a-Rest)

You can download the complete list of Therm-a-Rest’s locations used in this analysis from our data store. Here’s a sample of 10 records for you to review the fields and data that we provide.

Comparative Analysis Between Therm-a-Rest's Vs Others

If you’re interested in receiving a comprehensive report of a comparison of McDonald’s with other companies, please get in touch with us.

Download the Complete Database of Therm-a-Rest's Locations Across the USA

You can download the complete list of Therm-a-Rest’s locations used in this analysis from our data store. Here’s a sample of 10 records for you to review the fields and data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Bucksport Sporting Goods 3650 Broadway St Eureka CA 95503 707-442-1832 40.773533 -124.190956 3650 Broadway St, Eureka, CA, 95503 USA 2023-04-19
D-J Camping & Clothing 2340 Park St Paso Robles CA 93446 805-238-4747 35.6388093 -120.6902916 2340 Park St, Paso Robles, CA, 93446 USA 2023-04-19
Granite Chief 1602 Squaw Valley Road Tahoe City CA 96145 530-583-2832 39.20361642 -120.22185197 1602 Squaw Valley Road, Tahoe City, CA, 96145 USA 2023-04-19
Sports Basement Campbell 1875 S Bascom Ave 240 Campbell CA 95008 408-899-5783 37.28753029 -121.93903019 1875 S Bascom Ave 240, Campbell, CA, 95008 USA 2023-04-19
Sportsman's Warehouse 8468 N Friant Rd Fresno CA 93720 559-261-2900 36.85883604 -119.78365196 8468 N Friant Rd, Fresno, CA, 93720 USA 2023-04-19
It's In The Bag! 73613 Ca-111 Palm Desert CA 92260 760-568-6400 33.72055247 -116.38051907 73613 Ca-111, Palm Desert, CA, 92260 USA 2023-04-19
Sportsman's Warehouse 2344 Sunrise Blvd Rancho Cordova CA 95670 916-635-7800 38.61682633 -121.27097199 2344 Sunrise Blvd, Rancho Cordova, CA, 95670 USA 2023-04-19
The Warming House/ Footpaths Of The World 790 Moraine Ave Estes Park CO 80517 970-586-2995 40.36587661 -105.53801173 790 Moraine Ave, Estes Park, CO, 80517 USA 2023-04-19
High Desert Life Outdoors & Exchange 28 W Main St Cortez CO 81321 970-564-3299 37.34861192 -108.58517791 28 W Main St, Cortez, CO, 81321 USA 2023-04-19
Field & Stream 1390 Tingle Circle W B-3 Mobile AL 36606 251-450-1334 30.65050217 -88.11914438 1390 Tingle Circle W B-3, Mobile, AL, 36606 USA 2023-04-19

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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