Number of Health Mart Pharmacies in the United States

According to reports, there are 4,679 Health Mart Pharmacies locations in 52 states and territories of the United States. The highest number of Health Mart Pharmacies locations in the US are in California and Brooklyn with 484 locations and 51 stores, respectively. California makes up approximately 10% of all Health Mart Pharmacies locations in the United States.

Data updated on January 1, 2025

How Many Health Mart Pharmacies are Present in the USA?

Health Mart is an independent pharmacy franchise offering pharmacies across various states and it is a subsidiary of McKesson Corporation. The total number of the health Mart locations in the US are 4679 and its graphical representation is shown in map.

LocationsCloud Map
Store Location


States Location


Cities Location


Top 10 States & Territories With the Highest Number of Health Mart Pharmacies

Explore the top 10 U.S. states and territories with the highest number of Health Mart Pharmacies locations. Highlighted below are the top 3 states and territories where Health Mart Pharmacies has the strongest presence along with a detailed breakdown of store counts and population data for each state.

484 (10%)

In California, there is one Pharmacies for every 81,636 people, accounting for approximately 10% of all Health Mart pharmacies locations.

397 (8%)

In Florida, there is one Pharmacies for every 73,038 people, accounting for approximately 8% of all Health Mart pharmacies locations.

380 (8%)

In Texas, there is one Pharmacies for every 56,521 people, accounting for approximately 8% of all Health Mart pharmacies locations.

State & Territory Number of Locations Population Population Per Locations
California 484 (10%) 39.51M 81.64K
Texas 397 (8%) 29.00M 73.04K
Florida 380 (8%) 21.48M 56.52K
Alabama 292 (6%) 4.90M 16.79K
New York 286 (6%) 19.45M 68.02K
Michigan 258 (6%) 9.99M 38.71K
Georgia 189 (4%) 10.62M 56.17K
Oklahoma 175 (4%) 3.96M 22.61K
Kentucky 146 (3%) 4.47M 30.60K
Ohio 137 (3%) 11.69M 85.32K
Health Mart Pharmacies operates in 55 States and Territories across the United States.

Which States and Territories Don't Have Health Mart Pharmacies?

Find out the 4 States & Territories across the US that are don’t yet have Health Mart Pharmacies locations. The list of regions where the popular brand has yet to establish its presence are:

  • Puerto Rico
  • American Samoa
  • Maine
  • U.S. Virgin Islands

Top Cities With the Most Health Mart Pharmacies Outlets in the United States

Discover the top 10 cities across the US with highest Health Mart Pharmacies outlet locations. The detailed breakdown provides a clear view of Health Mart Pharmacies location distribution among the states & territories and number of store locations in the USA.

City State & Territory Number of Store
Brooklyn New York 51
Los Angeles California 47
Detroit Michigan 44
New York New York 31
Bronx New York 30
Tampa Florida 24
Houston Texas 24
Dearborn Michigan 23
Dallas Texas 18
Milwaukee Wisconsin 17

List of Health Mart Pharmacies Competitors Analysis

Explore a comprehensive analysis of Health Mart Pharmacies top competitors along with number of stores, states and cities across USA.

Brand Vs Competitors Number of Store Number of States Number of Cities
Health Mart Health Mart-icon   vs   Marys_Gone CVS Pharmacy 9,292
( +4,613 locations than Health Mart)
(Same as Health Mart)
( +1,041 cities than Health Mart)
Health Mart Health Mart-icon   vs   starbucks logo Walgreens 8,578
( +3,899 locations than Health Mart)
( +1 states than Health Mart)
( +995 cities than Health Mart)
Health Mart Health Mart-icon   vs   McDonalds Good Neighbor Pharmacy 2,468
( -2,211 locations than Health Mart)
((Same as Health Mart)
( -784 cities than Health Mart)
Health Mart Health Mart-icon   vs   Hunt_Brothers_Pizza GNC 2,267
( -2,412 locations than Health Mart)
( -1 states than Health Mart)
( -936 cities than Health Mart)
Health Mart Health Mart-icon   vs   7-Eleven-icon Rite Aid
( -2,987 locations than Health Mart)
( -36 states than Health Mart)
( -1,332 cities than Health Mart)

Get A List of Health Mart Pharmacies Locations of the USA

Get the complete Health Mart Pharmacies locations datasets for the USA! Download in any format you need, including JSON, Esri Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML (Google Earth), or even a custom format. This enriched POI dataset includes geo-coded addresses, phone numbers, opening hours, and more.

Download the Complete Datasets of Health Mart Pharmacies Locations Across the USA

You can download the complete list of Health Mart Pharmacies locations used in this analysis from our data store. Here’s a sample of 10 records for you to review the fields and data that we provide.

Store ID Brand/Store Name Category Store URL Phone No. Address Latitude Longitude Direction URL Store Status
1 Health Mart Pharmacies (914) 923-3000 203 Main Street 41.16192 -73.86158 Open
2 Health Mart Pharmacies (845) 244-8050 719 West Nyack Road 41.0936792 -73.9719155 Open
3 Health Mart Pharmacies (914) 607-3939 276 Main St 41.03367 -73.76368 Open
4 Health Mart Pharmacies (914) 949-7000 82 E Post Rd 41.0274345 -73.76819483 Open
5 Health Mart Pharmacies (201) 322-9090 220 Livingston St 45.06576081 -83.90701481 Open
6 Health Mart Pharmacies (914) 923-9200 230 Saw Mill River Rd 41.1875403 -73.8019863 Open
7 Health Mart Pharmacies (201) 272-6224 455 Livingston St 42.081941 -76.79086964 Open
8 Health Mart Pharmacies (914) 779-5133 640 Tuckahoe Rd 40.95376834 -73.84467897 Open
9 Health Mart Pharmacies (845) 624-5200 240 N Main Street 41.12282 -74.03929 Open
10 Health Mart Pharmacies (845) 354-9320 728 C North Main Street 41.13955 -74.03471 Open